Developmental mindset

Is the ability for an individual or groups or a community finding solution to addressing a challenge or a need. Identifying that development challenge(s) and professing or finding real solution to the challenge(s) emanates from within. When there is this change of attitude(s) of people/communities to stop depending on outsiders to be solution bearers to their development challenges. When there is a change of attitude, they see development to be collaborative process of finding solution and the process must start from the people who need it.
This is evidence in Mark 8:5-6 and Matthew 15:34-35, when Jesus and the disciples were being followed by a great multitude of people and they were all hungry. In trying to find the solution, Jesus ask what do you have (Mark 8:5 and Matthew 15:34)? The disciple responded, a little boy has 7 loaves and 2 fishes. Their solution was found from there.
I see developmental mindset to be very key in solving our day to day challenges. This is because it helps to also identify and deal with some future occurrences that might come along the way.