“My Hero is You” is a book written for children around the world affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. It should be read by a parent, c…
As we seek to protect the children around us, it is likely that we will experience pushback at times. While reading this devotional, you will be remi…
Lament is a natural and innevitable part of our lives; however, what about when the the pain isn't our own, but our neighbors? In this devotional you…
Our past experiences have the power to either silence or empower us to make a change in the lives of those around us. In this devotional, you will be…
Trauma impacts all individuals differently; every circumstance faced by individuals is unique to them. While there is no blanket solution, we can all…
This visual aid supports the Global Child Protection Parenting curriculum, which explores how parenting and caring for children is like caring for pl…
This visual aid supports the Global Child Protection Parenting curriculum, which explores how parenting and caring for children is like caring for pl…
This visual aid supports the Global Child Protection Parenting curriculum, which explores how parenting and caring for children is lik…
Parents and caregivers discuss positive and practical ways to influence their community to better protect and care for children. They …
Parents and caregivers learn about the risks of social media, particularly for children. They also explore practical ways to protect their families, …
Parents and caregivers learn about trauma, common symptoms in children and some of the ways unhealed trauma can negatively affect a child's life…
Parents and caregivers learn about the value of all children regardless of ability. They explore how people in their local community and culture resp…
Parents and caregivers learn the benefits of delaying marriage for girls in their familly and community. They discuss the negative consequences of ea…
Parents and caregivers discuss common gender roles practiced within families in their community. They explore how these gender roles can affect child…
Parents and caregivers learn about the heart motivations behind how they discipline their children, negative consequences of corporal punishment, and…
Parents and caregivers learn how Jesus truly loves children and wants their good. They discuss the importance of teaching children about boundaries -…
Parents and caregivers explore how to release control, promote responsibility and submit their children's growth to God's leading. They learn about t…
Parents and caregivers explore how internal motivations can lead us to hurt others. They learn the definition of abuse as when someone violates any p…
Parents and caregivers learn how God's love toward humans demonstrates how parents should love their children. They reflect on the rea…
Parents and caregivers explore how parenting is like gardening and learn about God's loving provision through the Genesis creation acc…
Parents and caregivers explore how unhealed trauma and pain passes from parents to children and can create ongoing abusive patterns and how forgivene…
Parents and caregivers explore how love communicates belonging, safety, empowerment and healing - messages that replace the lies of isolati…
Parents and caregivers learn how trauma and hardship can lead to lies of isolation, powerlessness and impurity. They explore the importance…
Parents and caregivers explore the importance of open communication with their children and learn the value of both verbal and non-verbal c…